A Quick Guide to the Language of Frankfurt

Für alle englischsprachigen Besucher, die nach Frankfurt kommen, hier eine kleine Übersetzungshilfe der wichtigsten Redewendungen:


1. Hä?
I beg your pardon. Would you please repeat what you just have said?

2. So isses aach widder net.
The issue is much more complex than we initially thought.

3. Des krieje mer heut net mer gebacke.
Despite all our efforts we won’t be able to finish the tasks today as planned.

4. Geed net! Gibds net! Maache mer net!
I fell very sorry, but it does not seem not be possible for us to fulfill your require-

5. Des aane sach isch dir.
Listen, Sir, I would like to emphasize this very particular issue.

6. Du kannst den ganze Krembel schon eweil ferdischmache.
In meantime, would you please pack the entire stuff together?

7. Des krieje mer schon hie.
Don’t be concerned. We get that sorted for you.

8. Haach, isch waas net. Kammer so mache, awer isch deet eher…
I see what you say and i fully appreciate your input. But in this very particular
case i would rather propose to…

9. Heer mer uff!
Really? I don’t believe it!

10. Feierawend! Hip, Hop, Schoppe in de Kopp!
After such a challenging, sucessful and pleasant working day: Let’s have a drink!

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[Danke, Harald]

A Quick Guide to the Language of Frankfurt
Tags: frankfurt