Lotus Connections: Java exception when deleting an activity etc.

If you experience a Java execption in Lotus Connections stating that you do not have enough rights when deleting an activity, adding a person to an activity or changing an activity to public or back to privat then this might be your solution:


When you log-on to Activities, it creates a JSESSIONID after successful authentication. From Activities, it calls the Profiles servlet when you deal with users (for example, when you click to view Profile, search for users when adding members), sometimes, it happens that Profiles application’s JESESSIONID overwrites the JSESSIONID of the Activities. When this happens, the logon user tied to JSESSIONID of Activities is un-identified and lost the access rights.

Please use these steps to setup JVM parameters to re-use the JSESSIONID’s between applications (these steps are documented in V1.0.2 information center)….

If you are installing Profiles with either Activities or Blogs or both, and you installed Profiles into a separate WebSphere Application Server profile from Activities and Blogs, but you plan to use the same host name for these features, you must configure the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for Activities and Blogs on each server to reuse the session ID.

To do so, complete the following steps:

From the Integrated Solutions Console for the WebSphere Application Server hosting the features, expand Servers, and then select Application Servers.

Select the Application server hosting the Activities or Blogs feature, and then select Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom Properties > New.

Add a new Custom Property for the JVM to reuse the session ID by entering the following values in the fields:

System Property Name: HttpSessionIdReuse
System Property Value: true

Save your changes.

Repeat these steps for the Application Server of the other feature, either Activities or Blogs, if you are installing both.

Restart WebSphere Application Server.

Lotus Connections: Java exception when deleting an activity etc.