Disable Connector Download Link in Lotus Quickr (Domino Services)

To disable the possibility for a user to download the Lotus Quickr connectors via the browser you can add the following lines to QPCONFIG.XML:

<connector_install_url>”javascript:alert(‘The software is disabled.’)”</connector_install_url>

If a user then clicks on the link a message box will be displayed, telling him that the download of the software is disabled.

Currently there is no possibility to hide the link completely.

My colleague Klaus Bild (thanks!) told me that it is in deed possible to hide the download link completely. Just insert the following lines in your QPCONFIG.XML:

<![CDATA[<style type=”text/css”> #downloadLink {display:none} a.conn_dl {display:none} </style> ]]>

Update (2008-09-18):

As both solutions did not really work nicely with 8.1 (first one only worked in MyPlaces but not within a place and the second one just hide the word “Download” but leave the rest alone) I just tried another one which now completly hides all references to the connectors:

<![CDATA[<style type=”text/css”> .ConnectorSection {display:none} </style> ]]>
Disable Connector Download Link in Lotus Quickr (Domino Services)
Tags: lotusquickr