Suppressing mail text while sending Quickr links via connector

Starting with version of the Quickr connector you can suppress the text (“This message contains files that link to documents in IBM Lotus Quickr. Lotus Quickr connectors are required to use these files. Install Lotus Quickr connectors:“) which is normally automatically inserted in your mail if you send a link to a document via the Quickr connector.

To do that you have to add the following key to the registry. The change is immediately active after you added it and is valid for all users on the workstation:

[codesyntax lang=”text” title=”Registry Key”]

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Lotus Quickr\Desktop Integration\Email]



Update (16.03.2011):

The description above is valid for connector versions before 8.5. Things have changed for the Quickr 8.5 connectors. You now should use the following registry keys:

[codesyntax lang=”text” title=”Registry Key”]

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Lotus Quickr\Desktop Integration\Email]
      "CustomInstallText"=" "


To suppress the download link you can use in addition:

[codesyntax lang=”text” title=”Registry Key”]

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IBM\Lotus Quickr\Desktop Integration\Email\Notes]


Suppressing mail text while sending Quickr links via connector
Tags: lotusquickr