Trouble getting the Lotus Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr to work

The solution I described for the Sametime awareness issue did also solve another problem I had with the Lotus Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr. When I created a new community and wanted to add a Quickr teamplace to this community, the Quickr place was not created correctly or not created at all. Instead a Java exception occured:

[codesyntax lang=”text” title=”Log”]

[03.12.09 13:52:26:190 CET] 00000073 QuickrAtomCli E org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger error Der Quickr-Server hat für POST bis einen Fehler zurückgegeben
[03.12.09 13:52:26:250 CET] 00000073 QuickrAtomCli E org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger error Der Quickr-Server hat zurückgegeben: 404 - Not Found
[03.12.09 13:52:26:310 CET] 00000073 QuickrAtomCli E org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger error Der Quickr-Server hat die folgende Antwort zurückgegeben: 404
[03.12.09 13:52:26:340 CET] 00000073 QuickrMemberS E org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger error Erstellung eines Quickr-Bereichs ist fehlgeschlagen. Ursache: 404 - Not Found 404 - Not Found at at


After I changed the “Token format” in the Domino Web SSO configuration document everything works fine now …

Update: Almost everything worked 🙂 There was still a small issue. If you wanted to save a document from Activities into Lotus Quickr (Domino) you got the list of place and could choose a place and a folder. But then the error “Could not contact remote server” appeared. The solution was to add the line “AllowEncodedSlashes On” to the HTTPD.CONF file of the web server. After restarting the web server you were able to save the file to the Quickr place [Thanks to my collegue Colm O’Brien].

Trouble getting the Lotus Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr to work