Microsoft does only allow to change the system language of Windows for Windows 7 Enterprise and Ultimate via the GUI. If you would like to change the language in Windows 7 Home and Professional you need to do that manually as described below (as a sample I describe how to change the language from English to German):

  1. Download the desired language pack. You find a complete link list here on this site. For German and English I copy them below:
    German 32-bit
    German 64-bit
    English 32-bit
    English 64-bit
  2. Download the exe2cab tool to convert the EXE file into a Microsoft CAB file.
  3. Open a command prompt (as an Administrator!) and run the following commands[codesyntax lang=”dos” title=”Commands”]

  4. You then need to delete the following key from the registry:[codesyntax lang=”reg” title=”Registry key”]

  5. Reboot your machine

If you would like to change your language to or from another language you need to adapt the locale strings (like “de-DE” and “en-US” etc.) accordingly. A list of all strings can be found here.

Thank you to Tobias Hartmann!

Change Language in Windows 7 Home and Professional
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