IBM Connections 5.0 CR2: Upgrade of Filenet Content Engine Server fails

The upgrade of the Filenet Content Engine Server component for IBM Connections CR2 on Windows machines failed for two customers now. The command ‘update-ce.bat “D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01” -was.admin.user wasadmin -was.admin.password password -ce.fp.installer.location “D:\INSTALL\CCMFIXCR2\5.2.1-P8CPE-WIN.EXE”‘ failed always with the message “Error: Please read the log for detail of the problem, it is D:\IBM\Connections\ccm\ccm\ccm\scripts\fn-ce-update.log”.

If you look into the mentioned log you see that the deployment of the FileNetEngine application was successful. There is no hint why the procedure failed in the end.

I just ignored the error and went on with the next steps. I did not notice any problems and you will re-deploy a newer version manually as the last step anyway … On Linux I never noticed that problem, so it seems to be something Windows specific.

By the way: A detailed instruction for upgrading COnnections 5.0 to CR2 can be found here. If you install on Windows make sure that you use a blank as separator instead of “=” (equal sign) for the Filenet upgrade procedures (e.g. use “-was.admin.user wasadmin” instead of “-was.admin.user=wasadmin”)


IBM Connections 5.0 CR2: Upgrade of Filenet Content Engine Server fails
Tags: filenet