IBM Connections: Migrated Communities do no longer display the Sharepoint Widget

If you configure the Sharepoint Widget for IBM Connections as it is described in the Infocenter, then Communities which are migrated from IBM Connections 4.5 to 5.5 no longer show the Sharepoint Widget if one was configured in 4.5.

The reason is that in the documentation the widget ID has been renamed from “SharePointFiles” to “SharePoint Documents”. From my point of view, they just wrongly switched the text for  “defID” and “description”.

So the documentation says:

<widgetDef defId="SharePoint Documents" description="SharePointFiles" ...

However, the correct definition should be:

<widgetDef defId="SharePointFiles" description="SharePoint Documents"

In the 4.5 environment of my customer, the widget ID was named like that and I am quite sure we had copied and pasted that from the 4.5 documentation in the past.  So I guess that is just a typo in the documentation. I have told the responsible person for the documentation to check and, if necessary, correct it.

IBM Connections: Migrated Communities do no longer display the Sharepoint Widget